Chiropractic Techniques
Activator -- a low force, high speed adjustment utilizing a percussion instrument
ART -- is a patented, state-of -the art soft tissue system that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. These problems are often a result of repetition and overuse. ART is one of the most effective treatments for these soft tissue problems.
--For more information on ART please visit www.activereleasetechnique.com
Diversified -- a high velocity, low amplitude thrust designed to restore proper movement and alignment to the spine
Extremity Adjusting – Due to uni-lateral sports (ex: Tennis and golf) or life habits (always using one had to vacuum or carry objects) our extremities can also have misalignments which can cause pain issues.
Gonstead -- a high velocity, low amplitude thrust designed to restore proper movement and alignment to the spine and pelvis.
--For more information on Gonstead please visit http://gonstead.com/what-is-the-gonstead-clinical-studies-society/
SOT (sacral –Occipital Technique) -- Originally developed by Dr M. B. DeJarnette in 1925, Sacro-Occiptal Technique (SOT) is an holistic approach to chiropractic healthcare which includes detailed analysis and corrections for the spine, pelvis, cranium, extremities and visceral system. So practitioners are able to approach treatment and care from a long-term, ongoing, well-being perspective.
--For more information please visit SOTO Europe website http://www.sotoeurope.org/about-soto/what-is-sot
Thompson -- utilizes a "drop" piece on the table to enhance the force and direction of the adjustment
Webster's -- a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that restores biomechanical balance to the pregnant pelvis. This technique has been shown to reduce the effects of intrauterine constraint, allowing the baby to get in the best possible position for birth. -- For more information please visit the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Dr. Renee White has her certification in this technique.
website http://www.icpa4kids.com